Increasing The Timeout On A Bitnami Lightsail Instance

Increasing The Timeout On A Bitnami Lightsail Instance

Recently I had a situation where I was getting this error trying to import content to a Bitnami Lightsail instance and I kept getting this error.

lightsail The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application.

The timeout is set to 300 by defailt with the Bitnami settings to increase this you need to do the following.

First find your php-fpm-apache.conf file, you can do this with the following command.

sudo find / -iname php-fpm-apache.conf

Now use sudo su to edit this file.

sudo vim /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/php-fpm-apache.conf

Your file will have this line.

Proxy "unix:/opt/bitnami/php/var/run/www.sock|fcgi://www-fpm" timeout=900

Press i to insert and change the timeout time and then ESC :wp to save the update.

Restart appache

sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart

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